Friday, November 19, 2010

Crazy Morning

Do you ever have crazy mornings?? Or, am I the only one?

This morning was crazier than ever. Ellie woke me up at 3:30 AM and I had a REALLY hard time falling back to sleep. So, I didn't get up until... 8:01. School starts at 8:35. SO...

I got up and pulled on my gray sweat pants and a gray shirt - the first one I saw in my drawer. Yeah, very stylish. I didn't care. I was in rush mode.

I got Ellie up. Fed the kids cereal. Used the bathroom. Helped Charlie pick out an outfit and told him to put them on. Thank goodness he can dress himself now! Got Charlie's lunch together while he got dressed and brushed his teeth. Dressed Ellie. Got her socks and shoes on. Fixed Charlie's hair - his hair is always a mess in the mornings and needs lots of water and gel.

I look at the clock and see that we have 10 minutes to go. Yay, we're not going to be late!! Until...I realized that my car keys which also includes my house key were missing.

I must've left them in Dan's car last night and he's already at work. I search for the spare key - do we even have a spare house key??? I grabbed the spare car keys and all the extra keys from the key drawer. None of them worked on the garage door, which is not attached to the house and has a separate lock that uses the same key as the house. Which I don't seem to have at the moment. I tried the emergency key hidden in a special location, which has a combination lock which didn't want to open. Meanwhile, the minutes seem to speed by and we've missed the first and second school bells. Finally, I figured out a way to get in the garage.

I got the key for the lock to the back gate and grabbed the garage opener and hurried the kids out the back gate and opened the garage door using the electronic opener. I speed (or try not to speed) to the school which fortunately is less than a mile away. We go in the office so we can get a tardy slip, our first one ever! Whew!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

This is SO cool!

I'm a geek at heart. I love learning about how stuff works and hearing about cool things that are being developed. I love listening to NPR and learning about different subjects like the science of cooking or why the annual performance review should be ditched. One of my favorite NPR shows is Science Friday where guests talk about science-related topics.

I really enjoyed the one time they had Dean Kamen, the inventor of the Segway, on the show talking about the FIRST robotics competition. He wanted to get kids excited about science and engineering so he started this competition where kids had to build these robots and have them compete each other in playing games. I wish I could've participated in something like this when I was a teenager. It sounds SO fun! Here's a video of Dean Kamen talking about FIRST: