Friday, January 16, 2009


Yeah!! I found the camera! It was actually in a place I didn't think to look before and I happened upon it while putting away some stuff.

Finding the camera was one less hurdle to taking a picture of Ellie & her first tooth. I didn't realize how hard it can be to get such a picture! Every time I caught her smiling or laughing, she'd see the camera and reach for it or she'd stick her tongue out. Out of all the pictures I took trying to get one with her tooth in it, this was the only one that turned out.


Company EIGHT said...

I'm so glad you found it!!

eight happy "hardts" said...

I love blogging!!! I love looking at the pictures of your family. You look wonderful! How does it feel to have 2 children? I hope things are going well out there for you.
My Levi also loves grabing the camera, he has learned to give a big cheezzzeeee grin when he see's me pull it out.

luckyduck said...

Thanks, Suzanne! It's so fun to read your blog and keep up on what's happening with your family too. We're all doing well.